See the full changelog on GitHub


v1.1 16 May 2024

  • Updated book styles and made generator work better on mobile
  • Added “What I Learned” content type to Chapter 6

v1.0 13 May 2024

  • Code and content complete (for now)!
  • Completed “Making” chapters
  • Rewrote code for print index to include page numbers
  • Added option to print without crop marks
  • Moved old lecture to new repository

v0.9 10 May 2024

  • Laid out all chapter sections with descriptions

v0.8 8 May 2024

  • Added changelog

v0.7 5 May 2024

  • Revised interface and new controls for book generator

v0.6 3 May 2024

  • Added index

v0.5 30 April 2024

  • Finished homepage interactive header
  • Edited site formatting for consistency and mobile reponsiveness

v0.4 30 April 2024

  • Full pass of site design
  • Finished majority of book generator styles
  • Implemented page transitions

v0.3 15 April 2024

  • Technical test for book generator

v0.2 9 April 2024

  • Repurposed repository for thesis
  • Added chapter templates and placeholders

v0.1 8 Dec 2023

  • Companion website for fall 2023 final crit lecture

Last update
17 May 2024 11:19pm EST


Hi! My name is Gabriel. I’d like to tell you a story.

This is the story of my education and career as a designer, coder, and teacher. It’s like an autobiography or portfolio, but focused on what I learned and can pass on to you. You’ll hear about the jobs I had, failures I suffered, classes I took, projects I made, and people I met. And if you’re also a designer, coder, or teacher, I hope you can use this as an example of what a career in these fields can look like.

This project started as my graduate thesis in graphic design at RISD and continues to grow alongside my career. You can read it either as a website, or print the contents so far as a book.

This is for Maddie, my best friend and the love of my life. I can’t wait for everything that comes next :)

This is for my parents and family, the people who have supported and cheered me on through every phase of my life.

This is for my teachers, peers, and students, the community that made this thesis a reality.

And this is for you, the reason why I do anything.

Dedicated to everyone who got me here: my cohort, Alec, Berett, Claudia, Emily, Kaela, Lydia, Clinton, Husna, Glikeriya, Michelle, Rebecca, Shiyue, and Soo Min; my thesis advisors, Eric, Minkyoung, and Wael; my teachers at RISD, Aaron, Anther, Bethany, Christopher, Cyrus, Doug, Eric, Goergia, Jessica, Kathleen, Lucy, Mairead, Marie, Mark, Nancy (both of you), Teddy, Tom, Olya, Paul, Pouya, Ramon, Reuben, Richard, Ryan, Shona, and William; my coworkers and mentors, Aden, Courtney, Drew, Emmanuel, Ezra, Grace, Jackson, Jessica, Joseph, Josh, Kelly, Marijke, Mark, Milan, Olivia, Sam, Tina, and Yohanna.

Typeset in Limkin by Gabriel Drozdov (me!)
Get the font at Too Much Type

If you’d like to print your own physical edition of this website’s contents, you can download a print-ready PDF here.

PDF generated using paged.js by Coko
QR code generated using qrcode.js by David Shim

This thesis is maintained as an open-source repository on GitHub. View or download the code at

My other projects: Gabriel Drozdov, No Replica, GD with GD, Too Much Type, Barco Loudly